Unexpected Obstacles

Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus in Wuhan, China, we regrettably had to postpone our trip to Kerala, India. Such changes in schedule have disrupted my itinerary with the facegood team, and they also affected is Rekorder, the highly professional documentary crew from Germany that was planning to make short film based on this segment of the journey. Local partners from India have no choice but to wait for our updates.

It is painful to witness such a disaster hitting hard on humankind. As a Chinese person, and as a human being, my heart shatters as I see people suffer from this calamity. Most of our BMW Art Journey team has been drowning in anger, misery, depression and distress since we returned from Bali. I sincerely hope that all suffering people can recover soon, and especially, that there will be no more loss of life and broken families. Through art, I hope to draw people’s attention to reflect on human behavior, so that we can see how greed will cost the lives of the innocent and stop the brutal slaughtering of wildlife just to satisfy the appetites of a few.

I am deeply grateful for the BMW team, who always seeks to understand each of our decisions and unreservedly support us in our difficulties. We shall complete our trip to India as soon as the epidemic is over.